Students entering grades 2-12 from homeschooling or private schools not seeking funding from the LDOE are required to take a placement test prior to entry. All students will be tested by District Testing Facilitator, Ashanti Cooper. The form below must be completed to register for testing.
Students entering grades 5 and 9 from homeschooling, out of state, or private schools will be administered the State Placement Test by the District Testing Facilitator. Parents must complete the form below to register for testing.
All assessments are computer-based, and results will be sent via parent’s email and to the school selected on the registration form. All assessments consist of a section of ELA and Math and take approximately 2.5 hours to complete.
The placement of the student is determined by the School Building Level Committee at the school the student should be entering using the entrance test results and prior school history.
24-25 WPSB Entrance Testing Registration